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Plugging Chiropractic Revenue Leaks

Why The Neuro Way Academy’s Coding and Clinical Genius Programs are Essential for Chiropractic Success

Chiropractic offices are facing a hidden challenge that most practitioners don’t even realize exists: revenue leaks. These leaks silently drain thousands of dollars every month, negatively impacting profitability and the ability to invest in new and impactful therapies. The Neuro Way Academy’s Coding and Clinical Genius Programs address these issues head-on, empowering chiropractic offices to reclaim lost income and set the foundation for long-term success and growth.

The Hidden Revenue Problem in Chiropractic Offices

Without realizing it, many chiropractic offices are both undervaluing their services AND improperly coding them. This often leaves thousands of dollars on the table every month, for example:

  1. Down coding Evaluation & Management (E&M) Visits

    Many chiropractors consistently under code E&M services for both new and established patients. Instead of coding appropriately for the complexity of the visit, they default to lower levels (e.g., 99202 or 99211).  Depending on patient volume, this mistake alone can cost your office up to $3,000 per month in lost revenue! Proper documentation and coding for the complexity of visits is critical. Your coding must accurately reflect the value of services provided.

  2. Improper Use of Chiropractic Adjustment Codes

    Another common revenue leak occurs when offices only bill 98940 (1-2 regions) or 98941 (3-4 regions), instead of using 98942 (5 regions) when clinically appropriate. This conservative coding approach often shorts the care delivered, reducing your reimbursement. Multiply this mistake by dozens of patient visits per week, and the losses quickly add up.

  3. Missing Out on Active Rehab Opportunities

    Active rehabilitation is an essential component of modern chiropractic care. Yet, many offices neglect to implement and bill for active rehabilitation codes (e.g., 97110, 97530). By incorporating these services into your practice, your office could easily see an additional $3,000 per month in revenue while improving your patients’ outcomes.

How the Coding and Clinical Genius Programs Solve These Issues

The Coding and Clinical Genius Programs from The Neuro Way Academy are specifically designed to help chiropractors identify and correct revenue-draining practices in their offices. These programs combine expert training in coding, documentation, and clinical application, offering actionable solutions. You’ll unlock fresh growth as you plug your revenue leaks.

Key Features of the Programs:

Mastering E&M Coding

The Coding Genius program educates chiropractors on the nuances of Evaluation & Management coding. Participants learn how to appropriately code based on the complexity of the patient encounter, ensuring that each visit is properly documented, valued, and reimbursed.

Accurate Adjustment Coding

The program emphasizes the importance of coding your adjustments based on your clinical findings. When chiropractors confidently use 98942 appropriately, they maximize their reimbursements without sacrificing compliance.

Incorporating Active Rehabilitation

The Clinical Genius program can guide your office through implementing active rehab protocols, including ARP neurological therapy and other new modalities. These services enhance your patients’ outcomes AND create additional revenue streams for you, giving you that boost you’d love to see on your practice’s bottom line.

The Financial Impact

By addressing these three key areas, chiropractic offices can see immediate financial benefits:

  • Correcting E&M coding practices can recover $3,000 per month in lost revenue.

  • Proper use of adjustment codes can unlock an additional 10-15% in reimbursement per visit.

  • Adding active rehab services can generate another $3,000 per month, turning a previously untapped opportunity into a thriving new part of your practice.

Start Now with the Coding and Clinical Genius Online Programs!

What are you waiting for? 2025 is here! Together, these programs will help you maximize your practice’s impact. Make this the year you take control of your practice’s financial health and future!

Ted A Arkfeld, DC, MS

948 N. Center Avenue

Gaylord, MI 49735

(Office) 989-448-8065

(Fax) 989-448-2818 

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