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Genius Document Scanning
Why Scan in Your Old Documents?

We will take your paper documents and have them scanned securely for you, following HIPAA guidelines. Once your records have been digitized they will be available and accessible to you in numerous formats. We will also take your e-records and attach them to your current ehrTHOMAS patients for you. You will have to look no further than your e-Patient record to find ALL of your patients' information-in just one place!


Revitalize your patient records, and save hundreds of man-hours in search, retrieval, replacement, recovery, re-transmission, scanning, and attaching. Your records will be more useable and accessible than ever, and that file storage area (closet or room) can now be reclaimed as useable office space. Take a well-deserved break. When you come back to work, you can spend your time on more important things like AR and patient health and satisfaction.

Featured Benefits
  • Eliminate the need to store, search for, carry around, or fax paper charts and records.

  • Be able to see & use all of your patient documents ASAP

  • Have your scanned in documents attached to your ehrTHOMAS system: auto-magically!

  • Save hundreds of hours in record searches every year.

  • Not only do you get rid of the paper, we'll see to it that it is properly & securely destroyed and recycled to help the Earth. You'll be saving and feeding new trees, rather than cutting them down and storing them in the back of your office.

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